Tag - weight loss


5 Popular Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Weight loss is something that we’re all interested in, but unfortunately, the Internet is replete with a lot of crap on this topic. All of a sudden, everybody has become qualified enough to tell people how they should exercise, diet and work out, and if you think of it, it’s pretty hard to tell the difference between true stuff and total BS. If you want to find out what works for you and what doesn’t, take a quick look at our list of totally believable weight loss misconceptions. This way, you’re never going to waste a single day pointlessly. If you eat less and move more, you’ll lose weight right away This is by far and away one of the biggest lies that we’ve been told, and the fact that it does ring kind of true doesn’t help at all. As you...

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Why You Should Add Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is an incredible root with many benefits for your health. While it is an appetite suppressant, immune system booster, and has anti-cancer properties, it is particularly well known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can be added to food, or made into a tea. What many people do not know is it can promote weight loss by activating the metabolizing and helping to burn fat. Improves Metabolism Indigestion is a common problem for many people: ginger tea helps to ease the colon and promotes cleansing. By removing toxins, as well as extra waste, the body will shed extra weight. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc, which work boost the immune system and help to give your body more energy. (1) The “British Journal of Nutrition” reports that there...

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How to Navigate Through Social Pressure: Food, Diet, and Exercise

When it comes to diet and exercise almost everyone you meet suddenly transforms into a nutritionist or personal trainer. Anyone who has adopted a different eating or training method understands some of the negative criticism that comes when change is put into effect. Whether it is how you choose to eat, or not eat, the fitness plans or regimens you implement, or even just a change in your outlook, sometimes the people that are closest to us—our family, friends, colleagues, or significant others—might not always react in the way we want them to. There are many difficult barriers to overcome when starting, or maintaining, your changes in your lifestyle—but how do we overcome negativity coming from the people that are closest to us, especially when you feel like the change is for the good...

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Eat like a Celebrity: Healthy Foods You Should Try

Trendy superfoods are always emerging: acai, cayenne pepper, green tea, etc. We know we should eat high levels of antioxidants because they are good for our skin and hair and low in calories. But, those of us who have decided to take the plunge to go vegan, it is sometimes difficult to find and enjoy foods that do not contain butter, eggs, or dairy. What you eat determines the nutrients your body will absorb, or, build a deficiency. Fruits and vegetables will provide you with vitamins and minerals that will aid your skin. Be sure to get plenty of antioxidants as they fight free radicals and boost cell rejuvenation. Dairy has been linked to breakouts and is believed to cause oily skin, whole processed foods are chemically rich and can add stress. Everything comes down to diet. Whether it...

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