Tag - healthy


You Should Follow These Food Instagrams Right Away

A lot of people complain about those of us who take photos of their best looking meals and upload them to Instagram, and frankly, I don’t quite get what the problem is. I mean, food is absolutely delicious as it is, and when it also looks like a work of art, it’s definitely worth sharing, at least for aesthetic purposes. I know you won’t be able to give your followers a bite, but there’s every likelihood that they’ll feel inspired. At least that’s how I feel when I see the uploads of some real’ amazing food Instagrams on my feed. Leaving jokes aside, I must say that I’ve heard about some truly amazing recipes from Instagram, and the amount of effort involved in them was usually next to none. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the restaurant...

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Why You Should Add Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is an incredible root with many benefits for your health. While it is an appetite suppressant, immune system booster, and has anti-cancer properties, it is particularly well known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can be added to food, or made into a tea. What many people do not know is it can promote weight loss by activating the metabolizing and helping to burn fat. Improves Metabolism Indigestion is a common problem for many people: ginger tea helps to ease the colon and promotes cleansing. By removing toxins, as well as extra waste, the body will shed extra weight. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc, which work boost the immune system and help to give your body more energy. (1) The “British Journal of Nutrition” reports that there...

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Body Fragrance: What You Don’t Know

Whether it is the locker room in high school, your first date, the first kiss, we are plagued by concerns about our body odor.  The truth is all animals release natural body odor: it is a biological part of existence. The first thing you should know is that body odor is natural and healthy. All all animals utilize scent to send out warning signals to other animals, mating, and marking their territory. In humans, babies associate with their mothers through smell and adults can distinguish fragrances for picking mates. Many people confuse smell with sweat. However, sweat itself has no odor. Body odor is actually directly related to your digestion and is affected by your lifestyle, diet, and even surroundings. Sweat is produced by two glands: Eccrine glands that produce sweat that is mostly...

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The Top 10 Hashtags For A Fitness Lover

Since the late 90’s times have been changing: out with big steaks and mashed potatoes and in with the paleo diet, meatless Mondays, going vegan, and eating healthier. With that movement also came literal movement—people wanted to be fit ad healthy. As the technology boom gave rise to the mountains of social media and apps, some have fared better than others. With over 400 million users posting more than 80 million photos every day, Instagram remains a favorite for sharing photos and captions. Thanks to Kim Kardashian, everyone calls the pound key the hashtag. As hashtags are how we get to find other people’s photos, and share with our friends our thoughts, here are some of the most popular hashtags for fitness lovers—here’s where you can shamelessly post pictures of your #progress, send...

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Cameron Diaz’s Tips for Having a Gorgeous Body

I’m comfortable being who I am. When it comes to looking and feeling like a million dollars, Cameron Diaz really knows her stuff. The 42-year old is not only as fit as a fiddle, but also more confident than ever. Surprising as it may seem, all she does is stick to a simple, yet effective workout routine mostly based on Pilates, eat well and have a lot of fun. She admits enjoying the odd bar of chocolate and the occasional visit to McDonald’s too. So how come things work so great for her? We’ve all tried going on a diet or went to the gym at least once already, but after the first bite of a hamburger, we came to realize that one moment on the lips does mean a lifetime on the hips. Luckily, the Bad Teacher star has shared some of the secrets of her success with...

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