Archive - September 2016


You Should Follow These Food Instagrams Right Away

A lot of people complain about those of us who take photos of their best looking meals and upload them to Instagram, and frankly, I don’t quite get what the problem is. I mean, food is absolutely delicious as it is, and when it also looks like a work of art, it’s definitely worth sharing, at least for aesthetic purposes. I know you won’t be able to give your followers a bite, but there’s every likelihood that they’ll feel inspired. At least that’s how I feel when I see the uploads of some real’ amazing food Instagrams on my feed. Leaving jokes aside, I must say that I’ve heard about some truly amazing recipes from Instagram, and the amount of effort involved in them was usually next to none. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the restaurant...

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4 Strange Outfit Choices By Celebrities

Celebrities are always in the public eye, so something as seemingly innocuous as nipping to the shops to pick up a few things from the grocery store can easily turn into a paparazzi shot that might leave the world speculating on everything form the state of your marriage to whether or not you’re knocked-up. For that reason, celebrities often tend to not leave the house at all unless they are done-up to the nines with the right outfit. Especially since these days, they’re the ones who are usually “leaking” their locations to the paps. As with everything else in the world of “Hollyweird”, a lot of times in the race for media attention and schooling for various designers, celebrities are just trying so hard, it’s exhausting! This week, just as with...

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5 Things You Should Never Do When You’re in Love

There’s no feeling that compares to knowing that you’re slowly but surely falling in love with a man who seems to have it all. You start to get used to his quirks, he starts to get used to yours, and the more dates you go on together, the more attached to each other that you get, so much so that you can often forget that your relationship is not the only thing in your life. No matter how much you’d like to get away from it all for the sake of your newly found lover, it’s important to remember that you still have other responsibilities too, and here are 5 things that you should under no circumstances do when you start feeling like butterflies have taken up residence in your stomach. Enjoy! Unprotected sex is so damn overrated In know this may seem like a no brainer...

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THIS Is How You Should Wear Your Boyfriend’s Clothes

In this day and age, fashion is more permissive than ever. If you’ve got the right attitude, you can wear pretty much everything that you like, regardless how crazy an idea it would seem at first. Men’s clothing articles, for instance, have been a pretty stylish choice ever since a lazy but inspired woman donned her boyfriend’s shirt for the first time, but lately, well, everyone’s raving about it – and honestly, there’s good reason for that. And I’m talking not only about the fact that men’s clothing looks absolutely amazing, but also about the comfort factor, which is simply insane! Wearing baggy stuff, getting away with it and being deemed fashionable? Sign me up right away. Truth is, unless you want to look like a non-chic boho, you...

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