Archive - August 2016


A Beginner’s Guide To Buying The Ideal Pair of Jeans

Jeans are a staple piece of every woman’s wardrobe, and if you’ve got a pair that fits you well, then the world is truly your oyster, as you can mix and match all you want and come up with pretty much every type of outfit that you want with a minimal amount of effort. But as you’ve probably found out yourself, finding the ideal jeans ain’t easy at all. They all look good on the girls modelling them, but whenever regular people like you and I decide to try on a pair that seemed kinda cute, there’s always a problem. The length, for instance, is never really right for me, and finding pants that flatter my butt and hide my tummy at the same time is something that I can usually only dream of. But that only happens when I go shopping for jeans randomly, without...

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5 Popular Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Weight loss is something that we’re all interested in, but unfortunately, the Internet is replete with a lot of crap on this topic. All of a sudden, everybody has become qualified enough to tell people how they should exercise, diet and work out, and if you think of it, it’s pretty hard to tell the difference between true stuff and total BS. If you want to find out what works for you and what doesn’t, take a quick look at our list of totally believable weight loss misconceptions. This way, you’re never going to waste a single day pointlessly. If you eat less and move more, you’ll lose weight right away This is by far and away one of the biggest lies that we’ve been told, and the fact that it does ring kind of true doesn’t help at all. As you...

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Relationship Advice I Wish Someone Told Me Earlier

A relationship may seem like the easiest thing in the world, but sometimes, things aren’t as simple as you’d want them to be. Being with someone takes effort, not to mention that there is always some give and take involved, so no matter how experienced you may be, there’s always a piece of advice that you are bound to find helpful. To make sure that every single one of you makes the most of their present and future relationships, I’ve compiled a list of really awesome stuff that has helped me throughout the years. Chances are you’re going to find ’em just as helpful as I did. First dates. They’re so damn revealing! All right, this little paragraph above has made a huge difference for me, especially when I was only a beginner ~in the art of dating~...

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The 3 Most Unbelievable Celebrity Fails From the Past Week

Rarely does a week go buy that a celebrity or two doesn’t give us something to talk about. However, this past week the amount of celebrities that misstepped, gaffed, or otherwise stuck their foot in it seemed to be even higher that usual. Some of them are so unbelievable, that they’re actually almost a little bit impressive. Without further ado and in no particular order, here are three of the best celebrity fails of the past week. Josh Duggar If you followed the TLC television show 19 Kids and Counting, you will already be familiar with Duggar. Even if you didn’t follow the show, you will likely also be familiar with Duggar for that other reason; Duggar got himself into some hot water for sexually assaulting young children, including his own sisters. The family tried to...

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The Ultimate List of Style Tips For Busy Women

We all know that being in style ain’t easy, especially when you’re a busy woman. With so many rules to make sense of and trends to follow, I swear it can be pretty damn hard to put together the perfect outfit for every occasion. However, things get surprisingly easier when you know the right stuff, and guess what I’ve prepared for you in this article? Exactly. All the right stuff, so let’s go through these brilliant style tips that have already changed my life and that are guaranteed to change your too. Find yourself a great tailor Not every piece of clothing you find in a shop is going to look nice on you as it is, but with a little help from a good tailor, you won’t have to worry about your favorite clothes not fitting you ever again. Spice up an old jean...

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Grumpy Old Men 3 – The Clint Eastwood Story

You know how sometimes you form an idea of what a celebrity might be like in your head, only to be grossly disappointed when it turns out that in real life, he or she is nothing like your fabricated ideal? Sometimes, the reality of the celebrity’s actual personality is such a startling departure that you’re sort of left feeling a little bit sad. Well, fear not dear reader. You are not alone. This past while, I have had my celebrity bubble burst by none other than Dirty Harry himself, Clint Eastwood. Eastwood has been making quite a show of letting himself down with a series of strongly-worded outbursts that reek of the kind of divisiveness and white privilege that most of us usually reserve for train wrecks like the Trump campaign. While Eastwood has never made a secret of his...

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3 Epic Celebrity Twitter Battles That You May Have Missed

While entertaining, this brief Twitter exchange between James Blunt and what can only be described as a bit of randomly-generated bitterness by Noah Kinsey falls into the category of what I would call Mild to Barely-There Twitter Shade. However, as you well know, Twitter is the place where celebrities go dump on each other air their grievances, and it is never short on some pretty spectacular examples of celebrity name-calling, hair-pulling, eye-scratching..whatever you want to call the aspersions that celebrities cast at each other in 140 characters or less.  And let me tell you, there have been some real belters in the history of Twitter. Far too many to name really, but there are still those that stand out from the pack. So without further ado, I bring you three epic celebrity Twitter...

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6 Irrefutable Signs That He Is Your Soulmate

I’m fully aware that we’re all strong, independent women, but let’s face it, our partners do mean a lot to us, especially when we’ve been together for quite a while and realized that they may just be …our soulmate. But as it usually goes, you may still have some doubts about it. Do you really love him? If yes, does he love you as much as you love him? Or is it just physical attraction that one or both of you may be feeling? Believe it or not, finding out if he really is your soulmate is not that complicated. All you have to do is analyze some of your feelings and behaviors. Take a look at the things that I’ve listed below – the more you can relate to them, the more likely your boyfriends is “the one.” Your relationship has never been...

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10 DIY Skin Care Ideas That Will Change Your Life

Yesterday, while I was grocery shopping, I bumped into an old friend of mine. I hadn’t seen her for about three years, and since she was only going to be in town for three days, I thought it would be a good idea for us to meet at a bar in the evening. So while we were talking about our days together in College, she suddenly started telling me how pissed off she was about the outrageous prices of natural skin products. Before I knew it, we started talking about these awesome recipes for creams, scrubs and face masks that I’ve been using for a couple years now. Needless to say, she was fascinated by all I was telling her and eager to try some stuff herself. I haven’t managed to discuss everything in one evening, but I promised to send her more details later. And...

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Sex on the First Date?Here’s What Men Think About It

I think we can all agree that a lot has changed over the past 50 years, but when it comes to sex and dating in general, things are still quite debatable. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that our mentalities have undergone some serious changes for the better, but as you probably know, this doesn’t apply to every person on this planet. Sex on the first date, for instance, is still very much of a taboo subject. I’ve seen women who’ve never actually known whether it’s acceptable to hook up with a guy from the very beginning, mainly because they didn’t have any feedback from men. Would they see it as a bold move on her part? Or would they label her as a slut? Are they going to lose interest in her just because she’s given in so fast? But what if she says...

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