Archive - August 2016


10 Invaluable Tips For the Perfect DIY Manicure

Never underestimate the power of a great manicure! Having your nails on point doesn’t only help you make a good impression wherever you go, it also boosts your self confidence and make you feel like an absolute goddess even when you’re grocery shopping. Since manicures are not the cheapest thing in the world and most of the DIY ideas that you read about on the Internet require a lot more time and talent than you’d think, I’ve decided to write an article for those of us who can’t be bothered with complicated stuff but still enjoy having pretty nails. Without further ado, here are the nail hacks you’ve been looking for all your life: First of all, learn to apply nail polish like a pro Have you ever wondered why the manicures that you get at the salon last...

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Makeup 101: How to Apply Foundation Like a Pro

Makeup doesn’t have royalty, but I’m pretty sure that if it did, we’d all be calling foundation Queen Elizabeth. It makes you feel and look fancy AF, but only when you know how to apply it properly. So how about some tips and tricks that makeup artists use on a daily basis? A match made in Heaven No matter how expensive or high end your foundation is, if it doesn’t perfectly match your skin tone, it’s gonna look bad on you. Whenever you go shopping for foundation, be prepared to spend some extra time looking for the perfect shade, but keep in mind that certain tricks will help you find it faster than you’d expect. Let’s say that you found one that you think would be a pretty good match. What you gotta do now is apply the lightest touch of...

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15 Totally Underrated Relationship Milestones

Being in a relationship takes a lot time and effort, but as you probably know, the good parts far outweigh the bad ones – or at least that’s what should happen in a healthy relationship. (If you feel like you this doesn’t apply to you, maybe you’d like to check this out – it’s guaranteed to help.) Anyway, every long-term relationship is lovely in its own way, and you gotta admit  that some of the milestones you experience with your partner are indeed worth celebrating, even if you may not always realize it. I’m not saying that you should throw a party just because your cat didn’t take an instant dislike to your boyfriend when it first saw him. That would be just crazy. However, you may want to open a bottle of wine when the two of you have...

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You Don’t Have to Be a Vegan to Love These Desserts

Let’s face it – there’s hardly anything that compares to a good slice – or maybe 10? – of dessert. More often than not, however, a minute on the lips does mean a lifetime on the hips, which is mainly why you can’t live off chocolate cake for the rest of your life. But if you do want to indulge the healthy way, you should try vegan desserts. They’re absolutely delicious, not to mention extremely easy to prepare and a lot healthier than regular ones. If you don’t know much on the topic, keep calm. I’ve made up a list of 10 scrumptious dessert recipes that you’re bound to fall in love with. A bunch of exquisite apple roses These babies right here are so damn tasty – not to mention pretty looking – and you only need three...

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10 Staple Beauty Products; Share Them or Nah?

Getting your bestie to try out that gorgeous 30 dollar lipstick you’ve just bought? There’s nothing quite like it, but have you thought for a second of how unsanitary this is? I know full well that sharing is caring, but unless you’re okay with the risk of getting an infection or some other nasty disease, certain beauty products should only be used by one person – and that’s you. Others, however, you’re free to share. To find out exactly what beauty products you can and cannot lend to others, keep reading. I’ve done my homework and I’ve got years of experience in the field too, so you can expect nothing but the very best advice. Politely refuse everyone who asks to borrow one of these: Creams and other products that come in jars I know that...

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Robert Downey Hilariously Instagram-Shaded Tom Hiddleston

It’s been several weeks now and I have been crouching in the tall grass, waiting to be able to pounce and write my Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift breakup piece. I’m still waiting. Don’t get me wrong, my moment will come, you can be assured of that, it’s just that for now, the couple appear to be keeping a “low profile.” I use quotation marks there because what the Hiddleston/Swift machine think of as “low profile” and what you and I likely use as a measure of the same concept are likely two very different things indeed. Thus far, what I can gather from the Hiddleswift (Twiddles) camp is that “low profile” appears to consist of cutting-back the number of entertainment media outlets you call before you appear in public, and only...

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Organize Your Makeup Like a Pro (The Easy Way)

You know that absolutely marvelous feeling that you get when you’ve finally managed to buy all the makeup products that you’ve wanted for so long? Going through your entire collection of eye shadows, eye liners, blushes, lippies and highlighters is pretty awesome when you’re bored AF on a Saturday night, but things aren’t that cool when you’ve got a huge pimple on your forehead, you’re already late for work and you can’t find that damn concealer anywhere. Yep, clutter on your makeup desk can and will ruin your life, so why not do something about it? If you’re out of inspiration, just keep reading this, because the ideas I’ve got for you are truly amazing, not to mention that you’ll only need things you’ve got around the...

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Skin Care 101: 5 Things Every 20 Something Must Do

Being a twentysomething – there’s nothing quite like it! You’re young and beautiful, free of responsibilities (mostly) and ready to conquer the world, not to mention that your skin is at its best, since you’ve probably already grown out of your acne phase. Don’t take this for granted though, and keep in mind that you still need to actively do something in order to ward off the fine lines and dry skin that older women are oh-so-familiar with. You don’t have to go out of your way or break the bank to do this, though. All you need is five extra minutes when you wake up and another five when you go to bed. Cleanse. Every Single Night. After five cocktails and a few hours of laughing, singing and dancing, cleansing is the last thing on your mind, especially...

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The Rock and Vin Diesel are Fighting Like a Couple of Schoolgirls

They say familiarity breeds contempt, and in the entertainment industry, its doubly true. I would extrapolate that to say that it’s probably time to put the completely unnecessary, yet high-grossing film sequels to rest once and for all when you start inciting social media shade against your co stars of nearly a decade. That my friends, is happening right now. The beefiest of Hollywood beefs is ongoing, and to be honest, it’s kind of hot. Apparently things have not been so cozy between The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson) and Vin Diesel (aka Mark Sinclair…in case you didn’t know that) on the set of the eleven-billionth Fast and Furious movie titles Furious 8. According to just about every internet source you see, the aggro is a result of The Rock having taken to social media to...

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Literally Just 8 Things That Every Happy Couple Does

Every couple has its ups and downs, but emulating the habits of those amazing people who’ve been in happy, long-term relationships for a few years now is without a doubt going to ensure that your ups are way higher (and more frequent!) than your downs. Without further ado, here are the 8 things that make a relationship truly last: Communication is paramount It may sound cliche, but communication is indeed the one thing that no relationship can do without, but I’m talking about real, worthwhile communication here. When you feel like there’s something wrong, talk to your partner. When you don’t know what to wear to work, talk to your partner. Even when you don’t have anything particularly important to say, talk to your partner. This will not only help cement...

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