Archive - August 21, 2016


Makeup 101: How to Apply Foundation Like a Pro

Makeup doesn’t have royalty, but I’m pretty sure that if it did, we’d all be calling foundation Queen Elizabeth. It makes you feel and look fancy AF, but only when you know how to apply it properly. So how about some tips and tricks that makeup artists use on a daily basis? A match made in Heaven No matter how expensive or high end your foundation is, if it doesn’t perfectly match your skin tone, it’s gonna look bad on you. Whenever you go shopping for foundation, be prepared to spend some extra time looking for the perfect shade, but keep in mind that certain tricks will help you find it faster than you’d expect. Let’s say that you found one that you think would be a pretty good match. What you gotta do now is apply the lightest touch of...

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15 Totally Underrated Relationship Milestones

Being in a relationship takes a lot time and effort, but as you probably know, the good parts far outweigh the bad ones – or at least that’s what should happen in a healthy relationship. (If you feel like you this doesn’t apply to you, maybe you’d like to check this out – it’s guaranteed to help.) Anyway, every long-term relationship is lovely in its own way, and you gotta admit  that some of the milestones you experience with your partner are indeed worth celebrating, even if you may not always realize it. I’m not saying that you should throw a party just because your cat didn’t take an instant dislike to your boyfriend when it first saw him. That would be just crazy. However, you may want to open a bottle of wine when the two of you have...

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