Archive - August 17, 2016


Robert Downey Hilariously Instagram-Shaded Tom Hiddleston

It’s been several weeks now and I have been crouching in the tall grass, waiting to be able to pounce and write my Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift breakup piece. I’m still waiting. Don’t get me wrong, my moment will come, you can be assured of that, it’s just that for now, the couple appear to be keeping a “low profile.” I use quotation marks there because what the Hiddleston/Swift machine think of as “low profile” and what you and I likely use as a measure of the same concept are likely two very different things indeed. Thus far, what I can gather from the Hiddleswift (Twiddles) camp is that “low profile” appears to consist of cutting-back the number of entertainment media outlets you call before you appear in public, and only...

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Organize Your Makeup Like a Pro (The Easy Way)

You know that absolutely marvelous feeling that you get when you’ve finally managed to buy all the makeup products that you’ve wanted for so long? Going through your entire collection of eye shadows, eye liners, blushes, lippies and highlighters is pretty awesome when you’re bored AF on a Saturday night, but things aren’t that cool when you’ve got a huge pimple on your forehead, you’re already late for work and you can’t find that damn concealer anywhere. Yep, clutter on your makeup desk can and will ruin your life, so why not do something about it? If you’re out of inspiration, just keep reading this, because the ideas I’ve got for you are truly amazing, not to mention that you’ll only need things you’ve got around the...

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