Archive - August 15, 2016


Skin Care 101: 5 Things Every 20 Something Must Do

Being a twentysomething – there’s nothing quite like it! You’re young and beautiful, free of responsibilities (mostly) and ready to conquer the world, not to mention that your skin is at its best, since you’ve probably already grown out of your acne phase. Don’t take this for granted though, and keep in mind that you still need to actively do something in order to ward off the fine lines and dry skin that older women are oh-so-familiar with. You don’t have to go out of your way or break the bank to do this, though. All you need is five extra minutes when you wake up and another five when you go to bed. Cleanse. Every Single Night. After five cocktails and a few hours of laughing, singing and dancing, cleansing is the last thing on your mind, especially...

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The Rock and Vin Diesel are Fighting Like a Couple of Schoolgirls

They say familiarity breeds contempt, and in the entertainment industry, its doubly true. I would extrapolate that to say that it’s probably time to put the completely unnecessary, yet high-grossing film sequels to rest once and for all when you start inciting social media shade against your co stars of nearly a decade. That my friends, is happening right now. The beefiest of Hollywood beefs is ongoing, and to be honest, it’s kind of hot. Apparently things have not been so cozy between The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson) and Vin Diesel (aka Mark Sinclair…in case you didn’t know that) on the set of the eleven-billionth Fast and Furious movie titles Furious 8. According to just about every internet source you see, the aggro is a result of The Rock having taken to social media to...

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