Archive - August 1, 2016


Hiddleston Denied Opportunity to be Ambassador of Underpants

See that look on Tom Hiddleston’s face? That, dear readers, is a man who is thinking to himself, “just what in the hell have I done?” You knew it was going to happen. It couldn’t not happen (and yes, I am aware that’s a double negative, but it’s arty, so leave me alone).  And now it’s happening, so now I have to talk about it. It appears as though the first official bit of Hiddleston/Swift backlash (and by “official”,  I mean the kind that is going to cost someone a chunk of cash) has begun. Like I said, it was always going to happen. You simply cannot parade around like some hormonal pre-teen in heat for a month without pause and expect people not to develop a bad taste in their mouths. And speaking of taste, if this backlash really...

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