Archive - July 31, 2016


Three Recent Acts of Celebrity Awesomeness

I spend a lot of time hurling disparaging remarks, casting aspersions, and engaging in all manner of unfounded assumptions when I’m writing gossip. Chiefly, because it’s gossip. I make no apologies for it, that’s my job. However, even we cold-hearted, soul-devoid gossip columnists need to balance things out every once in awhile, so today, in the spirit of balance and harmony, I’ve rounded-up three things that happened at the hands of celebrities that, past occurrences of douchebaggery notwithstanding, were actually kind of awesome. Gwen Stefani Highest honors this week go to Gwen Stefani, who managed to take time away from her very busy schedule of documenting perfectly natural Instagram shots of her perfect love with Blake Shelton to make one kid’s night the...

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7 Surprising Things That Make Your Boyfriend Jealous

Let’s face it, ladies – men get jealous pretty damn often, and usually, it’s petty stuff that makes them go crazy. However, most of them aren’t really insecure. They’re not afraid their girlfriend’s gonna dump them all of a sudden either. Not at all. On the contrary, these unexpected bouts of jealousy are actually an effect of testosterone (duh!), which makes men more eager to crush all their so-called competition, even when they’re not competing with anyone at all. In other words, whenever a guy senses even the most insignificant threat to his position as your significant other, there’s every likelihood that he’s already playing out potential murder scenarios in his head. Just kidding.  Or maybe I’m not. 😂 Anyway, every...

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