Archive - July 24, 2016


Justin Bieber Threw Eggs at His Ex-Neighbor’s House and Now They’re Getting Greedy

Here he is again ladies and gentlemen, it’s Justin Bieber – making friends everywhere he goes! And by “making friends” I mean “pissing people off.” However, before we get into Bieber’s latest kerfuffle, I’d like you all to take a moment and take-in what he is wearing. Just what exactly is he wearing right there!? It looks like something you’d put on a toddler, if that toddler were going to a play date…in 1982! I was in junior high school back in the 80s, and I had a pair of cropped white denim jeans that had that very same paint-splatter pattern all over them as the t-shirt Bieber is wearing. Just sayin’.  Turns out I’m not alone either. Check out the comments from the above Instagram shot; everyone is questioning...

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The Taylor Swift is a Liar Scandal, Decoded

Where to begin? It comes as a surprise to absolutely nobody that Taylor Swift has a pretty strong vice grip on her public image; you have only to look to the highly-choreographed coverage of her faster-than-a-New-York-Minute relationship with Tom Hiddleston to see evidence of that. However, the ongoing feud between Swift, Kimye, a pretty big handful of her exes, and countless others that seem to be coming out of the woodwork is starting to paint the real picture, and this week, none other than Kim Kardashian herself may have put the final nail in Taylor Swift’s holier-than-thou public image by basically beating her at her own game when she released some previously unseen video on Snapchat. But before we get to all of that, I think we need to back-up. Trying to pick-out exactly what...

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