Archive - July 4, 2016


People Magazine Got Handed the Best “I Quit” Letter in the Known Universe

Okay people, buckle yourselves in. This is by far, the most epic, “I quit” letter ever written to a boss by a disgruntled employee in the history of disgruntled employees. This letter kicks ass and takes names (and omits a few as well), blasts celebrities and their publicists, and even provides those of us who are still toiling-away in gossip obscurity with a few blind items to try and pin an identity to. The letter, being called “bridge-burning” and “earth-scorching” all over the internet, is the fruits of years of hard-fought entertainment reporting from award-winning journalist Sara Hammel. Hammel, a real journalist (unlike yours truly) worked for People Magazine for 14 years, and has interviewed some pretty high-profile people. So many in fact, that...

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