Archive - July 2016


Three Recent Acts of Celebrity Awesomeness

I spend a lot of time hurling disparaging remarks, casting aspersions, and engaging in all manner of unfounded assumptions when I’m writing gossip. Chiefly, because it’s gossip. I make no apologies for it, that’s my job. However, even we cold-hearted, soul-devoid gossip columnists need to balance things out every once in awhile, so today, in the spirit of balance and harmony, I’ve rounded-up three things that happened at the hands of celebrities that, past occurrences of douchebaggery notwithstanding, were actually kind of awesome. Gwen Stefani Highest honors this week go to Gwen Stefani, who managed to take time away from her very busy schedule of documenting perfectly natural Instagram shots of her perfect love with Blake Shelton to make one kid’s night the...

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7 Surprising Things That Make Your Boyfriend Jealous

Let’s face it, ladies – men get jealous pretty damn often, and usually, it’s petty stuff that makes them go crazy. However, most of them aren’t really insecure. They’re not afraid their girlfriend’s gonna dump them all of a sudden either. Not at all. On the contrary, these unexpected bouts of jealousy are actually an effect of testosterone (duh!), which makes men more eager to crush all their so-called competition, even when they’re not competing with anyone at all. In other words, whenever a guy senses even the most insignificant threat to his position as your significant other, there’s every likelihood that he’s already playing out potential murder scenarios in his head. Just kidding.  Or maybe I’m not. 😂 Anyway, every...

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The Holy Grail Beauty Products That Every Woman Should Own

There’s something I have to admit – I’m obsessed with makeup. Tell me about a new beauty product launching at Sephora and I’m more than ready to be at the mall half an hour before it’s open to the public. I’ve found out that more often than not, makeup items don’t live up to the hype and turn out to be nothing more than a disappointment. And that’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way, but also one that’s enabled me to find out about some genius beauty products that are worth every single penny. If this has sparked your curiosity even a little bit, you’d better keep reading. You will definitely not regret going over this by the time you finish reading this article. The Beautyblender At $20 a piece, the Beautyblender is quite...

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Lindsay Lohan was All Over Social Media Accusing Her Fiancee of Cheating With A Hooker

Astonishingly enough, Lindsay Lohan has somehow managed to keep herself out of the headlines of late, probably because she has been busy riding the gravy train in the form of her fiancee, Russian bajillionaire Egor Tarabasov. However, when you’re talking about Lindsay Lohan, you’re never more than a few clicks away from a complete and utter meltdown of meth-fueled drama, and this past weekend, that appears to have taken place. Apparently the troubled actress started her campaign of neediness last Friday night in a snapchat post which she eloquently titled, “ET Come Home.” I know, right!? Here is the initial snapchat message. My fiancé’s being really angry at me, but I’m drinking water to get him to come home. Honey, come home, please. Hmmm. I’m pretty sure...

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12 Things You Should Never Say on a First Date

First dates! There’s something inherently awesome about them, but come on, let’s not forget that more often than not, even the most promising first date can turn out to be a lot worse than you’ve expected. After all, it’s not every day that you get to meet a functioning person that is actually on the same wavelength as you. But we’ll discuss compatibility some other time. For now, I thought it would be a really interesting to talk about the stuff that you should never ever say to someone when you’re going on a first date. But hey, you can always use one of these if you want to scare your date and make sure that you won’t meet him again. Without further ado, let’s get at it. What kind of wedding would you like to have? Unless you’re...

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These Genius Summer Beauty Hacks Will Change Your Life Forever

Summer has been here for quite a long time, but let’s be honest, it won’t be going away anytime soon either. That being said, how many of us have fully adjusted to the hot weather and all that comes with it? Like it or not, our beauty routine can’t stay the same throughout the entire year, which is why I’ve prepared a set of gorgeous hacks that will keep you both pretty and comfy at this time of year. Let’s talk about your skin With the risk of stating the obvious, I’m going to tell you to apply sunscreen at all times. Going grocery shopping? Apply sunscreen. Going out? Apply sunscreen. Going to the beach? You know what you gotta do. Also, remember that your face needs protection too, so if your regular face cream’s got already got a sun...

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Justin Bieber Threw Eggs at His Ex-Neighbor’s House and Now They’re Getting Greedy

Here he is again ladies and gentlemen, it’s Justin Bieber – making friends everywhere he goes! And by “making friends” I mean “pissing people off.” However, before we get into Bieber’s latest kerfuffle, I’d like you all to take a moment and take-in what he is wearing. Just what exactly is he wearing right there!? It looks like something you’d put on a toddler, if that toddler were going to a play date…in 1982! I was in junior high school back in the 80s, and I had a pair of cropped white denim jeans that had that very same paint-splatter pattern all over them as the t-shirt Bieber is wearing. Just sayin’.  Turns out I’m not alone either. Check out the comments from the above Instagram shot; everyone is questioning...

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The Taylor Swift is a Liar Scandal, Decoded

Where to begin? It comes as a surprise to absolutely nobody that Taylor Swift has a pretty strong vice grip on her public image; you have only to look to the highly-choreographed coverage of her faster-than-a-New-York-Minute relationship with Tom Hiddleston to see evidence of that. However, the ongoing feud between Swift, Kimye, a pretty big handful of her exes, and countless others that seem to be coming out of the woodwork is starting to paint the real picture, and this week, none other than Kim Kardashian herself may have put the final nail in Taylor Swift’s holier-than-thou public image by basically beating her at her own game when she released some previously unseen video on Snapchat. But before we get to all of that, I think we need to back-up. Trying to pick-out exactly what...

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Jenny McCarthy and Tara Reid Got Into a Catfight on Live Radio

You guys, I’m just going to leave this here. As much as it pains me to write a headline about two women getting into a “catfight”, that’s pretty much exactly what happened here. First of all, yes, that person on the left is actually Jenny McCarthy. I know, I didn’t recognise her either. She looks good, but doesn’t look like Jenny McCarthy. She looks kind of like your average hollywood blonde trying to look like Charlize Theron or something…but I digress. Apparently Jenny McCarthy has a radio show on Siruis XM, which I didnt know until right this very moment, but there you go. I’ve always liked Jenny McCarthy (despite her anti-science, anti-vaccine stance), and I don’t really have an opinion on Tara Reid other than she should definitely sue...

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Prince Harry Took an HIV Test Live on Facebook!

As usual, Prince Harry (or as we like to call him in our house, “the best of the lot of them”) is out and about doing what he does best; showing-up his brother in the performing of royal philanthropic duties. Harry averages about three public appearances a week, which is a far bigger number than that of his elder brother and sister-in-law. This week, Harry upped the ante by supporting a cause in a way that no royal has ever done before; he got tested for HIV live on the internet. According to The Guardian, Prince Handsome Ginger Snap reported to the Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Hospital Burrell Street Center to undergo one of the newer rapid HIV tests. The test is done with a simple finger prick, and five minutes later, you have your result. His was negative, for your...

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