Archive - June 20, 2016


Celebrity Karma of the Week: Bieber Bites It

Okay, last week definitely wasn’t the best. There was yet another mass shooting in the USA that congress once again very proactively decided to address with a very stern “moment of silence”…you know,  instead of some actual meaningful legislation that might actually prevent these things from happening. But yeah, let’s all just sit quietly for a minute or two. That’ll help. Then, as if to add insult to injury, the Internet’s boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston, decided to pass me over for the position of “new girlfriend” in favor of Taylor Swift. Whatever, Tom. All this could have been yours. But never mind, dear readers. Bygones, I say! After all, there is a silver lining to the rather ominous storm cloud of news items from last week – the fact...

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