Archive - June 14, 2016


Gift Ideas for the Fashion-Loving Man Who Has Everything

With the approach of Father’s Day, that familiar sense of panic may be setting in once again as you realize that your fashion-loving dad, husband, brother, or partner has just about one of everything you could possibly imagine in his wardrobe. You don’t really want to get him another tie, he never wears the monogrammed bathrobe that you got him last year, and a quick and sneaky peek in his closet when he was at work revealed to you that he owns one dress shirt and one casual shirt in just about every color and print known to man. What to do? Never fear dear readers. After careful consideration, I’ve sourced some of the most unique gift ideas for the man in your life who has everything, just so that you don’t have to. So without further ado, here they are, in no...

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Stephanie Seymour Calls Models Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner the “B” word

There’s simply nothing in the world that a gossip columnist likes better than a bit of bitchery disguised as a compliment. It’s the oldest trick in the book, and one that never gets old. You know what I’m talking about…that one friend who “complements” you on your new haircut by calling you “brave”, or “likes” that blouse that you just spent half of your pay check on in a “color that she could never wear because it makes her look dead”, but it “looks good on you though.” You know the friend I’m talking about. We all have at least one. I believe that back in the early 2000s, the popular HBO television series Sex and the City dubbed that kind of friend a “Frienemy.” So apparently 90s supermodel...

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