Archive - June 2016


Star Trek Actor Anton Yelchin Dead at 27

More sad news from celebrity land this week. Anton Yelchin, the 27 year-old actor perhaps best known for his role as Chekov in the recent Star Trek reboot movies, was found dead on his property in California’s San Fernando valley. According to reports, Yelchin was found early Sunday morning. Apparently his Jeep, which was likely accidentally left in neutral on a steep drive on his property, had rolled backwards, pinning him between the vehicle and the pillar and mailbox – a situation which sadly, he was unable to escape. At this point, police do not suspect foul play, and the incident is being treated like that unfortunate freak accident that it appears to be. According to TMZ, the alarm was raised by Yelchin’s friends. Yelchin’s friends became alarmed because he...

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Calvin Harris is Pretty Sure That Taylor Swift Was Cheating

Just in case the Taylor Swift + Tom Hiddleston relationship wasn’t thirsty enough for you, I thought could finish off by washing it down with a quick chaser of Calvin Harris. While I and just about every other gossip outlet certainly were harboring some suspicions that the Swift and Hiddleston, or “Twiddles” as I like to call them, had a bit of a questionable timeline when it came to overlap with Swift’s relationship with Calvin Harris, Harris had actually remained pretty silent on the matter. Until recently. As it turns out, the original story that we were sold, that it was Calvin Harris who did the dumping, may not have been entirely accurate. Don’t get me wrong – the relationship was probably heading for splitsville no matter who dumped who. But now...

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Celebrity Karma of the Week: Bieber Bites It

Okay, last week definitely wasn’t the best. There was yet another mass shooting in the USA that congress once again very proactively decided to address with a very stern “moment of silence”…you know,  instead of some actual meaningful legislation that might actually prevent these things from happening. But yeah, let’s all just sit quietly for a minute or two. That’ll help. Then, as if to add insult to injury, the Internet’s boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston, decided to pass me over for the position of “new girlfriend” in favor of Taylor Swift. Whatever, Tom. All this could have been yours. But never mind, dear readers. Bygones, I say! After all, there is a silver lining to the rather ominous storm cloud of news items from last week – the fact...

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First Look: Game of Thrones Jewelry is Happening!

You guys, I’m so excited about this that I’m not even thinking straight. I’ve just seen an online article by Harper’s Bazaar, announcing the upcoming launch of an official Game of Thrones jewelry line. The line, which is largely based on the super-cool dragon necklace worn by Emilia Clarke’s character Daenerys Targaryen in season 5 of Game of Thrones, was created by Emmy award-winning costume designer Michele Clapton and London-based jewelry designers Yunus & Eliza. According to the article in Bazaar (written by Ashley Phillips), the line of jewelry came about in a sort of organic way during the planning of the character Daenerys Targaryen’s wardrobe. Apparently while planning the wardrobe pieces for season five of the show, Clapton, Yunus, and...

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Lil Wayne Forces Plane Into Emergency Landing – Twice

On Monday. King of the Gossip Rags TMZ reported that rapper Lil Wayne forced his private jet into an emergency landing while on a flight from Wisconsin to California. The plane, which ended up landing in Omaha, Nebraska, was met by paramedics with the intent on taking Lil Wayne to the hospital. However, Lil Wayne refused all treatment, and returned to the aircraft. As anyone vaguely familiar with Murphy’s Law might have predicted, Wayne (whose real name is Dwayne Carter), immediately started having seizures again once the plane took off again,forcing it to turn around and make yet another emergency landing.  This time, the rapper was taken off the aircraft and taken to Creighton University Medical Center for treatment, where he was treated and subsequently reported to be “in...

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Gift Ideas for the Fashion-Loving Man Who Has Everything

With the approach of Father’s Day, that familiar sense of panic may be setting in once again as you realize that your fashion-loving dad, husband, brother, or partner has just about one of everything you could possibly imagine in his wardrobe. You don’t really want to get him another tie, he never wears the monogrammed bathrobe that you got him last year, and a quick and sneaky peek in his closet when he was at work revealed to you that he owns one dress shirt and one casual shirt in just about every color and print known to man. What to do? Never fear dear readers. After careful consideration, I’ve sourced some of the most unique gift ideas for the man in your life who has everything, just so that you don’t have to. So without further ado, here they are, in no...

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Stephanie Seymour Calls Models Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner the “B” word

There’s simply nothing in the world that a gossip columnist likes better than a bit of bitchery disguised as a compliment. It’s the oldest trick in the book, and one that never gets old. You know what I’m talking about…that one friend who “complements” you on your new haircut by calling you “brave”, or “likes” that blouse that you just spent half of your pay check on in a “color that she could never wear because it makes her look dead”, but it “looks good on you though.” You know the friend I’m talking about. We all have at least one. I believe that back in the early 2000s, the popular HBO television series Sex and the City dubbed that kind of friend a “Frienemy.” So apparently 90s supermodel...

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Sharapova Gets 2 Year Ban, Keeps Sponsors (!?)

You’ll all remember the scandal that unfolded back in March when tennis superstar Maria Sharapova failed a drugs test after testing positive for the substance Meldonium. Well, it appears that the International Tennis Association(ITA) has spoken, and they have ruled that Sharapova is to receive a 2-year ban for testing positive. In what many are calling a soft “sentence”, Sharapova will also get to hold on to her championship titles, and most shockingly, her largest and most lucrative sponsors, Nike and racquet maker Head, have decided to stick by her, despite an initial suspension of her contract by Nike. The Guardian recently covered the story, and in doing so provided a bit of background on the matter. Maria Sharapova has found support from sponsors after being given a...

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Summer Style Hacks: Removing Sunscreen Stains From Clothing

The warm, close summer months are something that we all look forward to after a long, dreary winter. It just feels like life is so much easier when you can wear a lesser amount of clothing. Shorts and a tee, a simple sundress – summer clothes are just so easy, you just put them on and go. However, that’s not to say that summer dressing doesn’t have its fair share of conundrums. Here, I look at one of the summer season’s most annoying problems; sunscreen stains. What Does a Sunscreen Stain Look Like and How Did I Get It? Diligent summertime enthusiasts know the importance of wearing sunscreen as a part of their everyday routines, each and every time they venture outside. However, all too often, sunscreens (especially those of the chemical variety – as opposed...

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Airport Chic: Easy & Helpful Tips for Travelling in Style

Time and again you read about how airline travel just “isn’t what it used to be.” Usually when someone makes this claim, they’re either making reference to the lack of service on board, or, more often, to the way that people dress when they prepare to board a flight. While I’m certainly not proposing that we fall back on dressing in full three-piece suits, skirts, heels, hosiery and pearls for long-haul flights as people once did, there can be no doubt that when you are happy with the way that you look, you just feel better. Long flights are hard enough on our physical and mental well-being, so making effort to wear something that gives you a little sartorial boost can only be a good thing. Do you count yourself among the throngs of yoga pant-clad airline...

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