Archive - May 2016


Cara Delevingne Solidifies Reputation As Entitled Brat At Paris Eurostar Train Station

Model and erstwhile “actress” Cara Delevingne has long had a reputation for being a bit of a wild child; the model and Chanel favorite is infamous for her partying ways, irreverent goofy faces that she’s known to make at the camera, and tendency to show up late, quite late in fact, for appointments and sittings. Not long ago, she famously “retired” from modelling, declaring it beneath her (not in so many words) and announcing that she would be putting her energies into acting. Yes, I know. That old cliché. Delevingne did appear in the movie Paper Towns, which in true model-turned-actress fashion, fizzled and dies a death at the box office before it even got off the ground. Not that that’s the sort of thing that bothers Cara. Cara is the product of...

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Three Tips for Choosing a Pair of Tall Gladiator Sandals

They’re baaaaack….and let me tell you, they don’t look altogether happy. Remember a handful of fashion seasons ago when tall gladiator sandals were all the rage? Well, it looks like they’re bad for round two, and they’re mad as hell. Don’t get me wrong; I love a well-appointed gladiator sandal as much as anyone, but if there’s one thing that has to be said about them, is that they’re not the most practical of footwear. As great as they look, even themes comfortable pair of gladiators is still a series of small leather lashings that hug, rub, and squeeze your legs with reckless abandon. It also has to be said that this season’s crop of gladiators seem to be particularly feisty with all of their bells, whistles, embellishments, and extreme...

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Celebrity Hair Secrets that Will Change Your Life

Don’t celebs have secrets for almost everything? Like Cindy Crawford is 50 but looks like she’s 30 again! How amazing is that!  She doesn’t keep her amazing looks a secret, she wants the world to know about her amazing skin care products that keep her young and flawless! But I’m not here to talk about skin care; I’m here to talk about the hair secrets that the hottest celebs are currently using! I’ve noticed that celebs on Instagram and facebook love the results of Hair Infinity. Lots of A-listers  have been seen taking photos on social media advertising their Hair Infinity vitamins. Here are some pics below!   The Kardashian sisters are proud users of  the Hair Infinity vitamins. I mean who would have thought they would be brand ambassadors...

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A Regular Human Weighs-In on Vogue’s “Style Rules”

I was recently browsing the fashion trends, as those of us who are sartorially inclined will do, and I came across an article on Vogue UK online, declaring that they’ve discovered a few “style rules” for choosing a summer dress. These rules are ostensibly meant to keep one on the right side of looking modern and edgy, something most of us strive for if we love fashion, so I decided to take a closer look. It’s been my experience as a blogger and fashion writer that most of the time, when the words “rules” are used, there is usually an article that will follow telling us what not to wear – a piece that is more often than not aimed at women of “a certain age”, warning them off of things like certain hemlines or sequins or some such...

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How “Athleisure” Managed to Work It’s Way Into Our Lives Without Us Even Noticing

The term “athleisure” has been batted-about a lot in the fashion world of late. While the casualness that is modern dress in and of itself isn’t new (fashion types have been complaining about having to endure the sight of other humans in sweat pants in public for decades now), the embracing of athletic wear as daywear certainly is. In fact, what started out as a spring/summer trend a few seasons back with a few “sporty” accents here and there seems to have morphed into a movement unto itself. We’ve coined a term for it, and companies are springing-up left and right offering “athleisure” wear that is meant to make you look like you’ve just been to the gym and are now just nipping-out to run a few errands, whether or not you’ve...

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10 Signs You’re Falling In Love

You ever have that feeling with your associate, friend, roommate, significant other? (1) The one where you feel like they’re “unique” from everyone else? You start to enjoy doing things you’ve always hated? Well that often means that you might be in love! Yes that may sound weird but I have more have evidence other than just him or her being unique. Just read the following and you may start to question yourself!  What I’m about to tell you will hopefully change your perspective of  who you’ve been eyeing lately. (2) Do you ever find yourself “constantly thinking” about that special someone? Do you think you may be obsessing over this eye candy? Well here’s some helpful tips to get you thinking! (3) If you feel like you “have to...

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10 Tips To ‘Remind’ Yourself To Snack Less

Got a favorite meal? Picture it right now. Apparently pondering on a past meal can make people eat less instead of salivating for it all over again, according to a recent Psychology Today post. Amnesic patients went as far as eating the same meal twice simply because they forgot that they had eaten lunch already, leading them to eat another meal 10 to 20 minutes later. Trying to combat those hunger pangs? Here are 10 tips to beat the odds. 1. Imagine the meal eaten earlier in the day. Psychology Today reports that that can make people less likely to grab snacks. The time of day matters, too. People were more likely to want to eat when recalling a meal from yesterday than they were from earlier the same day. 2. While exercise helps to increase muscle and burn fat, being health conscious...

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An SOS For The Dating World

One of my favorite topics in the world to talk about is “Love”. It’s my favorite topic because I like that everyone has their own opinions and their own preferences. I also like that everyone has their own definition of love. I feel that it’s true; love can be defined in many different ways. When it comes to love, I’m very open minded to what comes next in my life. So I’m here to tell you all about what you’re doing wrong.  Hopefully my tips can help you to a long lasting relationship in the future!        “Today I will be going over the do’s and don’ts as far as dating and relationships. Dating can be hard for those who don’t get out much, or are used to being by themselves. That actually can become a problem with your...

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How to Dress for Work in the Heat of Summer and Not Get Fired

When the temperatures really start to climb, the last thing in the world you want to do is pile on the claustrophobic, sweaty workwear. However, unless you work at a water park (and probably even if you do), most workplaces have certain standards for what you are allowed to wear at work. While some workwear dress codes are admittedly archaic and grounded in a time where women’s rights were more of a theoretical construct than a reality, at the end of the day, we all still need to earn a living. Fear not fashion lovers, even if you work in a stuffy and sartorially unforgiving environment, you can still keep cool this summer at the office. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you keep your cool, and out of your manager’s office. Be judicious about how much skin you show Too...

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Elizabeth Olsen is So Very Famous She Can’t Buy a House

There’s this scene in the movie Fight Club, where Brad Pitt’s character delivers that now-famous line “the first rule about fight club is that you don’t talk about fight club.” I think that sentiment is sort of the same when it comes to being famous. The first rule about being famous is that you don’t constantly talk about being famous, and all of the problems it brings to your doorstep. Elizabeth Olsen is famous. As the younger sister of the famous child actresses-turned-designers Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, she grew up knowing what constantly being in the spotlight can do to a family, having watched her two sisters dealing with the rash of issues from mental and physical health issues to breeches of privacy that came with their early fame. I have all...

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