Archive - April 2016


The Taj Mahal Was Covered in Scaffolding for the Royal Visit, and Everyone Got All Uptight About It

It seems the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been sprinting from one failed PR image repair-job to the next. They’ve been repeatedly called-out in the press for being lazy, they have been embroiled in a near-strike involving their domestic staff (in the wake of some threatened pay cuts), and the Duchess simply does not seem to be able to figure out how to style herself to prevent any of the numerous “wardrobe malfunctions” she seems to be repeatedly having, the latest of which nearly showed the population of India whether she favours bikini briefs or a thong. The couple was on an official visit to India last week…whatever that means…I guess maybe shaking hands with a lot of high-ranking dignitaries and reminiscing about the relationship forged between the two...

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Coachella Style: Your Guide to Trust Fund Beatnik Chic

Remember the days when music festivals were for everybody, and not just trust fund babies posing as hippies and celebrities whose net worth exceeds that of all of the people you have ever met? I do. I remember the good old days – 1990s Seattle, when Pearl Jam took a stand against Ticketmaster for creating a monopoly on ticket sales when they bought out their only competitor, giving them the ability to jack ticket prices way, waaaaay up. That was 1994, and Pearl Jam actually sued Ticketmaster, demanding that their tickets not exceed $18.50 per head. Those were the good old days. I still love you Eddie Vedder! However, as you might have guessed, the band sadly lost that battle, which is why in the year 2016, we are able to look at photographs of 20-something trust fund babies and...

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Three Things You Shouldn’t Buy New This Season

Every new fashion season, new trends crop up all over the place. This spring is no exception; the warm-weather trends are sprouting all over the place, much like the early daffodils that to me, mark the official beginning of the season. Despite the urge that many of us feel to run out and grab a few new things to refresh our wardrobes and keep it looking current, there are a few items that this season in particular, seem ludicrous to spend the kind of money on that retailers are asking. So allow me to slip you a few quick tips; there are three trends in particular this spring season that you should not, under any circumstances, pay full ticket price for. Here they are, in order of what I deem fiscal importance. The “New” Cut-Off Cropped Jean I find it funny that these jeans...

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Imitation is Flattery, Except When It Isn’t

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. While by and large, I agree with this sentiment, there are times when imitation is definitely not flattering. I’ve never been happier to see this kind of imitation than I was when comedian David Walliams showed-up for misjudging gig on Britain’s Got Talent (BGT) dressed as his co-judge, Simon Cowell. While you cannot deny that Cowell definitely has his own particular brand of personal style, it is also true that said particular brand of personal style is…well…makes him appear to be auditioning for the role of “sleazy unbuttoned shirt guy in club who is too old for you”. I’ve always maintained that Cowell dresses a lot like he is a make figure skater – the high-waisted trousers with the shirt...

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The Bad Move Files: Hollywood Thinks We Want to See A Remake of The Mummy

Every once in a while, a story comes out that gets me all riled-up. This is one of those times. And no, it is’t a Donald Trump story, believe it or not. This is a Hollywood story. While hollywood is not exactly known for their grounded ethics, subtlety, or even good taste, this time they seem to have excelled themselves in dishing up an extra-helping of WTF salad. I’ve just learned (from the oracle that is the All-Knowing Internet) that they are in the middle of doing a remake of the movie The Mummy. If, like me, you have fond memories of the Brendan Fraser-as-leading-man version of this movie, you are asking yourself…whyyyy!? And I’m sorry to say that I have no answer for you. While yes, the original Mummy is nearing 20 years old (it came out in 1999! Doesn’t that...

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Why You Should Add Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is an incredible root with many benefits for your health. While it is an appetite suppressant, immune system booster, and has anti-cancer properties, it is particularly well known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can be added to food, or made into a tea. What many people do not know is it can promote weight loss by activating the metabolizing and helping to burn fat. Improves Metabolism Indigestion is a common problem for many people: ginger tea helps to ease the colon and promotes cleansing. By removing toxins, as well as extra waste, the body will shed extra weight. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc, which work boost the immune system and help to give your body more energy. (1) The “British Journal of Nutrition” reports that there...

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Body Fragrance: What You Don’t Know

Whether it is the locker room in high school, your first date, the first kiss, we are plagued by concerns about our body odor.  The truth is all animals release natural body odor: it is a biological part of existence. The first thing you should know is that body odor is natural and healthy. All all animals utilize scent to send out warning signals to other animals, mating, and marking their territory. In humans, babies associate with their mothers through smell and adults can distinguish fragrances for picking mates. Many people confuse smell with sweat. However, sweat itself has no odor. Body odor is actually directly related to your digestion and is affected by your lifestyle, diet, and even surroundings. Sweat is produced by two glands: Eccrine glands that produce sweat that is mostly...

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The Birds: Ferragamo’s Latest Jewelry Capsule Collection Sets the Fashion World Atwitter

After the long, grey days of winter, we are all ready for a little color, light, and levity. There are few better ways to accomplish this than with the vibrant hues of a tropical landscape. While lush, tropical prints motifs for spring and summer are certainly nothing new, and it’s been a new fashion seasons now since the television show Portlandia mocked the bird motifs trend by urging crafters everywhere to “put a bird on it.” However, neither of those things stopped jewellery designer Daniela Villegas from creating one of the most covetable capsule collections of the season, and made using those two very motifs, no less. Villegas has been designing under her own name since 2008, and is particularly known for using organic motifs such as animals and leaves in her...

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The Top 10 Hashtags For A Fitness Lover

Since the late 90’s times have been changing: out with big steaks and mashed potatoes and in with the paleo diet, meatless Mondays, going vegan, and eating healthier. With that movement also came literal movement—people wanted to be fit ad healthy. As the technology boom gave rise to the mountains of social media and apps, some have fared better than others. With over 400 million users posting more than 80 million photos every day, Instagram remains a favorite for sharing photos and captions. Thanks to Kim Kardashian, everyone calls the pound key the hashtag. As hashtags are how we get to find other people’s photos, and share with our friends our thoughts, here are some of the most popular hashtags for fitness lovers—here’s where you can shamelessly post pictures of your #progress, send...

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Jake Gyllenhaal Has Had a Secret Crush on Jennifer Aniston for Years

This item has been in the gossip news all day today, so I suppose I would be remiss not to cover it, but I find it one for the “well YEAH..duh!” column. Apparently Jake Gyllenhaal is out and about promoting his latest film, Demolition. I have yet to see a trailer for this film yet, but from everything I’ve read and seen on television, the reports are good and it looks compelling. Gyllenhaal is certainly an accomplished actor, and usually doesn’t disappoint. According to The Internet, Gyllenhaal was doing the usual press junket for the film when out of the blue, a reporter from People Magazine brought-up one of his former co-stars, Jennifer Aniston. As you may remember, Aniston and Gyllenhaal starred in The Good Girl together when Gyllenhaal was only 22 years old...

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