Archive - April 25, 2016


The Bad Idea Files: Jesus and Mary Magdalene – The Movie

That would be the expression on my face too if I had just signed-on to play Jesus Christ in a biopic of Mary Magdalene. You see, historically, movies about Jesus Christ are almost always destined to be failures. That doesn’t stop the Hollywood Powers That Be from trying, but at the end of the day, if yo look at the track record of Jesus-themed films that have been made, it’s not been a particularly successful theme (what was that sound? Lightning!?). According to the entertainment gossip jungle drums of the internet, the film is set to star Rooney Mara as Mary Magdalene and Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ. The film is set to be directed by Garth Davis, and is being touted as one of the “truest: cinematic portrayals of Mary Magdalene ever. Riiiight. It is set to be an...

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Here We Go Again: Prince William’s Save-Face Interview Blows Up in His Face, Earns Him a Marie Antoinette Comparison

Oh dear. Here we go again. Every time I find myself writing yet another “The Cambridges are having image problems”article, I kind of feel like I’m writing the same  “The Cambridges are having image problems” article, you know? I am seriously starting to question their PR machine’s capability to do the job they were hired to do . This latest “Prince William is a whiny, entitled, work-shy man-child” story comes on the back of the Prince’s BBC interview last week. Just back from India, a tour whose sole purpose seemed to be to get a Diana-channelling photo in front of the Taj Mahal, and a visit from President and First Lady Obama that was about to happen, it had become pretty clear to the British press that attempts were being made to...

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