Archive - February 2016


A 16 Year-Old Drove Into Kim Cattrall’s House & Jen Finally Talks.

Kim Cattrall, widely known as Samantha from the popular 90s television series Sex and the City, shocked the internet yesterday when she posted photographs of a very graphic car accident, that just happened to be literally in her own front yard. At approximately 1am on Tuesday morning, a 16 year-old driver smashed her white SUV smack-dab into the very center of Cattrall’s Vancouver Island home, causing extensive damage to the front door and windows, as well as internal and external structural damage. According to the Daily Mail, the 16 year-old driver was out for a “joyride” with friends. Luckily, nobody was hurt in the incident. Cattrall immediately took to Twitter to get out ahead of the story and let friends, family, and fans know that she and her family were ok. Not...

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The Week in Celebrity Laziness

This week, the top prize for laziest celebrity goes to none other than Mariah Carey. The incident in question happened backstage at a Las Vegas hotel; the venue in which Mariah Carey was apparently performing. Right before her performance was about to start, there was a commotion. Mariah always travels with an entourage, so this in and of itself is nothing new, but what her entourage was doing was what really got the attention of the people. What was happening? They were pushing her across the lobby on top of a cart. That’s what happened. She was sitting in a chair that was on top of a flat cart, being pushed so she didn’t have to walk. This is a still of the video that is posted on instagram, taken by a shrewd fan who we would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts for...

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Yes… Another One. Kanye West + Twitter. You Know the Rest

Uuuugh. Is it just me or are you guys getting tired? Seriously, I’m not even believing that I’m writing yet another Kanye post about a Twitter rant, and yet….I keep hoping that this will be my last one, but if there is one thing that we can say about Kanye West, it is that he is a prolific Twitter ranter. I used to love how much material he gave me, but now…..So. Tired. Imagine how his poor wife must feel. Somebody really ought to take that man’s iPhone away. Maybe some sort of child lock or something? Sheesh. But since we’re here... As I’m sure by now you are all too aware, Kanye West has gone on yet another Twitter rant. This one was aimed at a music critic and producer named Bob Ezrin.  Ezrin recently reviewed West’s new album, Life of Pablo, and...

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Operation Baby Picture: The Week in Kardashian-West Spin Control

  We all know how busy Kanye West has been lately; between deriding Taylor Swift and Amber Rose on social media, his multiple Twitter rampages, and the begging of one Mark Zuckerberg for money to fund “Kanye West Ideas”, it’s no wonder that the man is tired. He’s been busy. All that rage and righteous indignation can take a lot out of a guy. But how is this going to affect the Kardashian-West empire? That remains to be seen, although the threat of them losing their popularity with their fan base must be at least a little bit real, because this weekend, the Kardashian-West PR Machine (by which I think we can safely assume is Kris Jenner) pulled-out all the stops, went into the Kardashian Situation Room, and officially initiated Operation Baby Picture. If there...

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Vanessa Hudgens and Her Boyfriend Vandalized Sedona National Park

  Ah, young love. You meet a guy, go on a few dates, fall madly head-over-heels in love, then go on a vandalism spree and deface a national park. You know…as you do. Or at least, that is as Vanessa Hudgens does. The former High School Musical star has landed herself (and her beau Austin Butler, who we can’t help but notice looks a lot like Justin Berber in this pic) decided that the best way to celebrate their newfound love would be to carve their names (inside a big heart with a + sign…because, of course) into one of the ancient red rock formations in the Coconino National Forest on a recent trip to Sedona, Arizona. This being the year 2016, nothing in the celebrity world happens without the requisite Instagram documentation, so naturally Hudgens took an artsy-fartsy photo of...

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Prince William, President of BAFTA, Never Goes to the BAFTA Awards

For the second year running, Prince William, aka The Duke of Cambridge, has skipped the BAFTA awards. While normally this wouldn’t be thought of as anything unusual for a member of the Royal Family…I mean, it’s only entertainment, after all, (snort), HRH Willis is the President of BAFTA, and has been for the past six years. As such, there is a certain expectation that he will actually show up to events once in a while. In the six years that he has been President, he has attended the awards ceremony once, and has never attended any of the pre-BAFTA events or, more importantly, the fundraisers. His wife Catherine has never attended a single awards ceremony. Of course, if you are following the “career” paths of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, this will likely...

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It’s Been a Very Kanye Week

Oh My. Where to begin. This week was the week that Kanye West changed the name of his album (again), asked for 100 million dollars (cue Dr. Evil’s voice) for his clothing line, and completely lost his mind on Twitter. Okay, I guess that last bit just makes it sound like any other week in recent history. But all of these things together? It’s almost too easy. Let’s start with that album. Kanye has now changed the name of his upcoming album twice. You will all remember all of the hullabaloo (by which I mean, resulting Twitter rant) that ensued when he announced that he was going to change the original name of his upcoming album to “Swish”. That Twitter rant was a classic, ranging from hitting-out at Wiz Khalifa, who dared to criticise West’s new album...

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Superman is Dating a 19 Year-Old

As most of you will already know, this here is Mr. Henry Cavill, the British actor who plays the Man of Steel in the new Superman movies. Yes, he’s handsome. Yes, he’s buff (apparently all that Superman training pays off), and yes…he’s a 32 year-old man dating a 19 year-old woman. Wait…what!? Yep. 32 year-old Henry Cavill is dating a 19 year-old university freshman. Now granted, we here at Trendelier think that there should be no age restriction on love and all that jibber jabber, but if you take a step back from the whole thing and just look at it at face value, what I’m left with is an unshakable sense of “what the hell do they talk about!?” Apparently Cavill has been dating 19 year-old university freshman Tara King since last October, when the two...

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Lady GaGa Nails the Super Bowl With A Brand New Face

Look, you don’t have to be an American football fan (or even know anything about it) to enjoy some of the spoils that the Super Bowl has to offer. Heck, I don’t really even understand the finer points of the game, and I’m from Wisconsin, home of the much-revered Green Bay Packers! But if there’s one thing that everyone can enjoy no matter what your level of understanding of the game, it’s the spectacle of the thing. So without further ado, let’s get dishy on something that went down at this year’s Super Bowl, the 50th of it’s kind. Oh, and the Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers for the win…if you care about such things. None other than the inimitable Lady GaGa sang the National Anthem to kick the whole thing off, and regardless of how...

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Loose Lips: The Verbal Gaffe Of The Week Award

Greetings gossips! Not a week goes by where I don’t have any article material generously given to me by some celebrity who has a Twitter rant, Gets caught doing something (or someone) they shouldn’t, or simply cannot edit themselves in front of the press. Seriously, Hollywood is so full of delicate egos and hair-trigger emotional outbursts, some days this is the easiest job in the world. This week, the Trendelier Loose Lips Prize goes to someone rather unexpected. This week’s recipient is former break dancer (true!) and A-list actor Cuba Gooding Jr! Last week, Cuba Gooding Jr. was being interviewed by Andy Cohen as part of his latest press junket for The People vs. OJ Simpson, and the subject of Tom Cruise came up. Gooding has worked with Cruise on several projects, and...

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