Archive - January 26, 2016


Cringeworthy: Andie MacDowell Totally Stuck Her Foot In It On Social Media

When you’re in the public eye, there is always an inherent risk that something you do or say might right rub people the wrong way. Whether it is intentional or not, being good at being famous takes more than a little know-how, a heavy dose of ego-checking, and clearly more social awareness than the likes of Andie MacDowell appears to possess. Yep, this week, Andie MacDowell got it wrong. Hey, we all get it wrong once in a while…but Andie showed that side of yourself that only your pets and your significant other are supposed to see. We’re not talking just a little bit wrong here…no, we’re talking wrrrooooong. Which of course, is music to my ears (and eyes). You simply cannot make this stuff up; it’s pure-grade, 24 karat gossip-writers gold. So here is Andie’s...

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Kardashians Continue to Cannibalize Lamar Odom for Money and Fame

The Kardashians are keeping busy as they promote Khloe Kardashian’s new show. Khloe’s press tour continues to include gossip bombs. Now she claims to have “finally” told Lamar Odom he almost died. Really? Like what did he think happened? He’s been in intensive care, critical condition, two hospitals and a rehab center. I hope it already occurred to him that he almost died. Khloe also claims she has shielded him from social media and the internet during his recovery. She told Howard Stern she walked in on Lamar googling himself and the words “overdose.” She then took away his computer. Okay, but does any of this make any sense? It’s not like shielding himself from the truth will aid in his recovery. Of course the one thing it will certainly do is avoid having Lamar...

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