Archive - December 21, 2015


Nicki Minaj: Entertainer to Dictators, Anti-Goodwill Ambassador To The World

Want to feel your blood pressure go up? Keep reading. This past weekend, singer Nicky Minaj’s (bad) decision-making gurus decided that doing a gig at a Christmas party for one of the world’s longest-enduring dictators would not only be perfectly okay with them, but it would also make great Instagram fodder. Minaj, who was reportedly paid $2 million for her performance in Angola, began her Instagram campaign the very moment her private jet hit the ground, emerging from the aircraft in a pair of tattered jeans and some sort of fur coat arrangement that made her look as if she were carrying an armload of dead foxes down the runway. But don’t worry. If that seems a bit understated for Minaj’s usual sartorial choices, you can rest easy; she later changed into a sheer...

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