Archive - December 2015


Russell Crowe Threw A Twitter Hissyfit Over A Hoverboard

For a good long while now, Russell Crowe has had a reputation within the industry for having somewhat of a hair-trigger temper; surly interviews, taking pot-shots at the paparazzi, and throwing hotel telephones in the general direction of the heads of people who have upset him have all been a part of his repertoire at one point or another. However, lately we haven’t heard from him in a while. It is almost as if, dare I say it, age and wisdom have somehow mellowed him out a bit. However, some gossip news that has come across the Trendelier wire today has us breathing a sigh of relief that the old Russell Crowe, the phone-throwing, tantrum-having one that we have all come to know and love, is still alive and well, although apparently perhaps still stuck in an airport somewhere with...

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Enrique Iglesias’ Hotness Causes Concertgoers in Sri Lanka To Lose Their Minds, And Then Their Bras

In a piece of news that sounds a lot like something that might have happened back in 1956, this week singer and heartthrob extraordinaire Enrique Iglesias caused a bit of a thing in Sri Lanka when his overwhelmingly manly hotness got the better of some female concertgoers, inspiring them to remove their brassieres and throw them on the stage. Meanwhile, in Wales, Tom Jones is sipping a hoppy Welsh microbrew and saying “What’s the big deal!? That happens to me all the time. Or at least, it used to…” While this type of thing may just seem like par for the course to many of us Westerners, in Sri Lanka, Women are not as free culturally to throw their undergarments at crooning pop stars (apparently even the really, super-duper hot ones), and a bit of a kerfuffle ensued. The...

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The Weekend and Bella Hadid Are Over. Sort Of. Or Maybe On Hold.

It appears as though the holiday season has claimed yet another celebrity relationship as it winds its festive path of destruction through the lives of the rich and famous. Despite the rather…erm….strident urgings of her Instagram followers, model Bella Hadid and singer, songwriter, and producer The Weeknd appear to have broken-up. Or perhaps are just on a break. It’s a little unclear exactly what’s going on, but the internet is alight with rumblings that all is not so well in paradise. According to Perez Hilton, an anonymous source has finally spilled the beans about the situation, and while it appears that the couple are still very much in each other’s lives, things are about to get a whole lot more crowded. Bella and The Weeknd have taken a break. Their schedules got...

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How the Celebs Spent Their Christmas: With Exes, Photoshopping Weird Cards and More

During the Christmas holidays the stars are always out on social media because they want you to know how very happy they are. Of course as a year of reading gossip and celebrity news should have taught you by now, it’s not really about how happy they are, it’s about how happy they want you to think they are! Consider last Christmas. We thought Caitlyn Jenner was Bruce Jenner, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were a model of holding a marriage together, and that Donald Trump was more likely to win Miss Universe himself than ever become president. Meanwhile, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert were country music’s #1 power couple. All of these assumptions were completely wrong and we have no idea what will become of these celebrities in 2016. So think about that when you are...

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Twitter Rants and Open Letters: The Battle of Hardy-McWeeny

In case you’ve been living under a rock with no access to any sort of pop culture feed, you will already know that the film The Revenant is out right now, starring “King of the World” Leonardo DiCaprio, whose Oscar campaign is so try-hard it’s actually starting to make my back teeth hurt a little…like when you eat too much sugar. The film also stars Tom Hardy, whose presence on the red carpet has been much more low-key than that of his co-star. That said, if I had to be locked in an elevator during a power cut with one of these Revenant stars, I’d choose Hardy any day over Dicaprio… but that is neither here nor there. Elevators notwithstanding, Hardy has found himself in the news of late, after a series of reportedly sullen and, dare we say it, crybaby...

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Madonna’s Rocco Has a Rebel Heart While Kimye Make Plans to Sell Pictures of Baby Saint

Rebel Heart Looks like Madonna has a fight on her hands! Her 15-year old son, Rocco Ritchie, has refused to fly to New York for Christmas with the pop star. Apparently after spending several months on the road with his mother for her Rebel Heart tour, Rocco had a change of heart about spending any more time with dear old mom. Instead he flew off to London to stay with his dad, director Guy Ritchie. An enraged Madonna filed for an emergency court order on Tuesday. When Ritchie’s lawyer said “He has expressed very clearly that he does not want to return to New York,” Madonna nearly climbed over the table and her lawyer had to stop her from speaking. The judge ruled that Rocco needed to come to New York and appear in court, where he could then state his preference for where he wants to...

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Martha Stewart and Ex-Countess Luann De Lesseps Got Into It At A Party That We Wish We Had Been At

Apparently, it all played-out like a slightly (very slightly) less camp version of an episode of Dynasty, circa 1982. At a recent dinner at the Baccarat hotel thrown by Qatari Ambassador to the U.S. Mohammed Jaham Al Kawari, Martha Stewart and Luann De Lesseps (the former “Countess” from the Real Housewives of New York), had a moment or two of verbal fisticuffs – and in the presence of the Ambassador no less. According to Page Six, the ex-countess was having a conversation with the Ambassador in which he was inviting her to visit Qatar. During the course of their conversation, the Ambassador told De Lesseps that he knew that she was on a popular television show, and that he would love to be on it. At this point, Martha Stewart, who apparently was within earshot (and...

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R. Kelly Threw A Hissyfit When A Journalist Asked Him About His Criminal Past

In an interview with HuffPost Live today, R. Kelly got his knickers in quite a twist indeed. The R&B singer has never been known for his diplomacy or humble nature, and today, he proved to us once and for all that absolutely nothing has changed. In case you need a refresher, R. Kelly has a rather long and sordid history of the sexual assault of underage girls. Interestingly, the music industry gave him a pass for many years; he was extended invitations to perform at such events as the Pitchfork music festival and even continued to make albums after reports of his behaviour surfaced just a little over 15 years ago. During the HuffPost live interview, Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani asked R. Kelly about his past, and initially, he answered. However, when she probed, he became defensive...

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Selena Gomez, R Kelly and Others Need to “Keep Your Hands to Yourself!”

R. Kelly Can’t Keep His Hand to Himself One person who never keeps his hands to himself is R Kelly. Kelly didn’t want to face questions about his past history of sexually assaulting minors, so he walked out of a Huffington Post Live interview on Monday. The R&B singer threw a fit when Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani suggested that his lagging album sales had something to do with the accusations. The interviewer had read him a Tweet from a fan who was conflicted about his past. When asked to respond, Kelly said “I say f*** that.” He told Tehrani that his fans obviously loved him and complained, “I did not come here to be interrogated, I didn’t come here for a deposition. Do you know what a deposition is? … This is a deposition … This is about disrespect.” Kelly knows exactly...

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Nicki Minaj: Entertainer to Dictators, Anti-Goodwill Ambassador To The World

Want to feel your blood pressure go up? Keep reading. This past weekend, singer Nicky Minaj’s (bad) decision-making gurus decided that doing a gig at a Christmas party for one of the world’s longest-enduring dictators would not only be perfectly okay with them, but it would also make great Instagram fodder. Minaj, who was reportedly paid $2 million for her performance in Angola, began her Instagram campaign the very moment her private jet hit the ground, emerging from the aircraft in a pair of tattered jeans and some sort of fur coat arrangement that made her look as if she were carrying an armload of dead foxes down the runway. But don’t worry. If that seems a bit understated for Minaj’s usual sartorial choices, you can rest easy; she later changed into a sheer...

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